- Dip the strip into the water at elbow’s depth and remove it immediately.
- Shake the strip once to remove excess water.
- Hold the strip level and visually compare it to the color chart on the bottle.
- Select the corresponding test result colors within 15 seconds of wetting.
- Do not wipe or shake the test strip.
- Do not touch the test squares on the strip with your fingers.

The proper water chemistry levels for optimal swimming pool functionality and comfort are:
- pH: 7.4 – 7.6
- Chlorine: 1.0 – 3.0 ppm
- Total Alkalinity: 80 – 140 ppm
- Calcium Hardness: 200 – 400
- Cyanuric Acid: 25 – 50 ppm
- Total Dissolved Solids: 500 – 5000 ppm